Thursday, March 17, 2011

#11 Jalapeno Cornbread Cinnamon

When you're making a new ice cream every week and you're invited to a potluck / dinner party / other social event, what would you bring? Ice cream. Obviously. Give me an excuse to make ice cream these days and I'll take it!

If the event is themed, say... a taco night, what ice cream would you make? Well, at first I decided to make jalapeno cornbread. AND THEN I turned it into ice cream. Jalapeno Cornbread Cinnamon ice cream!

Right now you may be having the following reactions: WHAT?! EWW?! HUH?! OMG?! WTF?! But hopefully, "Intriguing... I would be interested in trying that."

The thing is... IT'S TOTALLY AWESOME.

First I made a basic ice cream and flavored it with 1 teaspoon vanilla extract and 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon. In my previous cinnamon ice creams I used cinnamon extract, but this one is cinnamon extract free. Using just pure ground cinnamon gives it a fresher cinnamon taste.

Next I crumbled up some freshly baked jalapeno cornbread (after it had cooled sufficiently) and mixed it into the ice cream near the end of the freezing/churning process. I probably used about a cup and a half of crumbled cornbread, but you could put in as much or as little as you want. The remaining cornbread bits were sprinkled on top of the ice cream before it was placed in the freezer.

This was definitely one of my more adventurous ice creams. It is very cool and refreshing, yet spicy and fun. You can taste the cinnamon, cornbread, and the occasional heat from a bit of jalapeno pepper. This combination is a fiesta for your mouth!


  1. Your last few have been rather interesting flavors... now I would like to see something in chocolate!

  2. I agree, it was a fiesta in my mouth. It's a very adventurous ice cream Ryan and I think it really works out. Keep up the creativity.
